NBA Charity tournament Saturday February 22
Dear Parent/ student
Each year we organise a few events to raise money for our chosen charity, St Oswald’s hospice. St Oswald’s is a fantastic local facility giving end of life care to people in Newcastle and the Northeast. You can find more information about their work here Despite the obvious need for this type of care outside of a hospital setting, they still need to raise considerable funds just to keep the doors open.
The Charity Tournament is a bit of fun, and a great way to introduce yourself to competitions. There will be no training at All Saints that day, but we will hold training sessions at Kenton school for those who do not want to compete so you can still join in the fun.
The competition is being held at Kenton School with registration at 9.30. See the attached poster for details. I’m requesting that the payment is made in cash on the day to keep the charitable donations separate from the academy account. The entry fee is £15 for adults. £10 for children and £2.50 for spectators. Please bring some spare cash on the day for the stalls.
I know there are some talented bakers out there! As well as the competition, we will have
- Cake Sale
- Teas & Coffees
- Hot Dogs
- Used equipment sale.
- Tombola
- Raffle
Competitors Register Here
Any helpers – officials/coaches/cake stall minders etc Register Here
Just Giving Page Here
Info on webpage including email form for any donations of raffle prizes or cakes etc Here